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TSC guidelines for recruitment of P1 teachers



(a}      Following the advertisement for recruitment of teachers for Primary schools, you are required  to conduct a selection  exercise for candidates wishing  to be  employed  and  submit the  County  Merit  List to  the TSC  Headquarters. The list should  be ratified  by the County Selection  Panel.

(b}      The  selection  panel will  be  expected  to  exercise  the  highest  degree   of transparency and  accountability,  as  stipulated  in  the Public  Officers  Ethics Act and TSC Code  of Conduct and  Ethics (2015). The TSC County  Director is expected  to   induct  members  of  the   County   Selection   Panel  on  the relevant  Sections  of  the  Act  and  the  CORT  2015  before  the commencement of the selection  exercise.

(c)      The TSC  County  Director MUST ensure  that  the recruitment  process  is  done in strict adherence to the laid down  protocols by the Ministry of Health on containment of COVID-  19  pandemic.

(d)      All  applicants  must  be  registered  teachers  as  per  Section  23(1)  of  the Teachers Service Commission  Act,  2012.   Applicants who are not registered do not qualify to be recruited.

(e)      Applicants who apply tor confirmation of results from KNEC should give the address of the County  Director where  they submitted  their application.  It is their  responsibility  to  ensure  that  the  results  are  received  within   14  days after the verification  of certificates.

(f)       Applicants whose names differ in the certificates and/or identity card  are required  to present sworn affidavit on the differences in names.

(g)      Applicants   who   re-sat   either   KCPE   or    KCSE   examinations   (or   their equivalents)  MUST  present  certified  copies  of  the  certificate(s)  of  the national examination(s)  in question  for all attempts.

(h)      Applicants  will  be  required  to  submit  their applications  to  the  Secretary Teachers Service Commission through online platform for the  county  where  a vacancy has  been declared.

(i)        System  generated  Merit  List  will  be  sent  to  the  County   Director.  Upon receipt  of  the  Merit  List,  the  County   Director  shall  share  with  the  Sub• County   Directors.  Sub  – County   Directors  shall   use  the   Merit   List  to communicate selection  date and  venue  in  consultation with the  County Director.

(j)        During  the  selection, each  applicant shall be given   a serial number.

Applicants  must  present original  and  legible  photocopies  of the following, among  other relevant  documents:-

i)         National identification  card

ii)      National  Council  of  Persons  with  Disability   (NCPWD)   Card  (where applicable);

iii)      KCPE  certificate  or its  equivalent   (include  certificates  for attempts  if one repeated exams);

iv)     KCSE certificates  or its  equivalent  (include  certificates for attempts if one repeated exams);

v)      PTE  certificate;

vi)     Certificate of Registration as a teacher

vii)    Evidence of service as a teacher intern  (where applicable);

viii)   Sworn    Affidavit    where    names    appearing    on    the    submitted documents differ;

ix)     Primary   and   Secondary   Schools   leaving   certificates   and   other relevant testimonials.

(k)      All applicants, irrespective of gender, disability, ethnicity  or Home County should    be    given    equal   opportunity.    However,   in   case   of   a   tie, consideration will  be given on the following  aspects in their order of priority:

i)     Applicant (s)  with disability(ies);

ii)   Service as a teacher intern;

iii)   Applicants who had    not   been  previously employed  by the Commission;

iv)  Attainment of highest grade  in Teaching  Practice;

v)   Give preference to applicants who graduated earlier;

vi)  Quality  of  certificates  presented  i.e.  higher  aggregate KCSE  grade should  first be considered.

(I)           The selection date  and  venue  must be displayed on notice boards at the County, Sub-County and Zonal offices at  least seven (7) days before  the selection  exercise.

(m)     The  selection  panel  shall  vet each applicant  to establish  if  he/she  meets the requirements of the TSC advertisement.

(n)      Applicants who were   previously  employed by the Commission   MUST declare their past employment  history  and  reason(s)  for break  in  service (with   evidence  in   break   in  service).   Applicants  who   were   previously employed by the Commission and  FAIL to declare  their past employment shall be disqualified. However, preference will be given  to applicants who have  never been employed  by the Commission.


i.TSC Sub County Director–         Chairperson
ii.TSC Sub County Human Resource Officer–         Secretary
iii.Zonal Curriculum Support Officers (2)–         Members

The sub-county Director MUST ensure that the Ministry of Health COVID-19 containment  measures are adhered to  by both  panel   members and the applicants at all times.


i.      The TSC  Sub County Director shall verify the TSC  registration  status  of  all applicants;

ii.       The  TSC  Sub  County  Director  shall  present  a  list  of  all  applicants  to  the Selection  Panel;

iii.      Applicants  must  appear in  person  before  the  Selection  Panel  on  the  set date.


a)  Original  academic  and  professional  certificates  shall  be scrutinized  to verify their authenticity.

b)  The TSC Sub County  Director shall certify photocopies of the certificates and other documents before forwarding  them to the TSC County  Director.

c)  Any applicant(s) who  present forged/fake academic, professional and  other documents   commit(s)   an   offence;   shall   be   disqualified   and   can    be deregistration in  accordance with  Code  of Regulations for Teachers  (CORT).


Applicants shall be awarded marks as per the score sheet (Appendix  1 (a)  and 1(b).  Where applicants tie in scores, the panel shall refer to (k)  of these guidelines.


The Sub  County  Selection  Panel shall be required to submit the following  to the TSC County  Director:

i.        List of all applicants who presented  documents for verification  at the Sub County  level {Appendix II);

ii.      Sub  County  Merit List (Appendix Ill};

iii.      Summary of complaints raised(if any)  together with  action taken;

iv.      Minutes of the Sub-County Selection  Panel duly signed  by the Chairperson and Secretary.


a)       After  submission  of  Merit  Lists  by  the  Sub  County Directors,  TSC  County Director shall constitute a selection panel  comprising the   following members;

i.TSC  County  DirectorChairperson
ii.TSC  Deputy County  DirectorSecretary
iii.County  Human  Resource OfficerMember
iv.TSC Sub County  DirectorMember

The  County  Director   MUST  ensure  that  the  Ministry   of  Health  COVID-19 containment measures  are adhered to by panel members.

b)       The  TSC  County  Director  shall  be  required  to convene  a County  Panel  to ratify Sub County Merit Lists for onward  submission to the TSC  Headquarters within the stipulated timeline.

c)       The  selected  applicants  from  the  Merit  List  shall  correctly  fill   the  TSC Application for Employment Form  (APPT  1) without erasing or defacing it.

d)        The  Merit  List  compiled   during  the  selection  process  at  the  beginning  of the   financial  year  shall  be  used   in  subsequent  recruitments  within  the financial year. Selected applicants shall be informed through the Short Message Service  (SMS).

NB:  It is  the  responsibility of the TSC County  Director to ensure that the exercise  is fair and  transparent.  The County  Director must also  ensure that all documents are in order  and  appropriately signed/certified before  submitting them  to the TSC Headquarters.


a)      Any applicant who  is  dissatisfied with the  exercise should submit to the TSC   County   Director  a  written  complaint  immediately  and  send  an email to the TSC Headquarters through,  not later than seven (7) days after the selection  exercise;

b)      The  TSC  County  Director  should,  within  seven  (7)  days  analyze  and address all complaints raised after the selection process has been completed and  thereafter  submit a report  to the  Headquarters on the action  taken.

c)      Where the complaint is  made  against the TSC  County  Director, the TSC Headquarters  shall  investigate  the  allegations  and  take   appropriate action.


The TSC  County  Director shall submit the following  to the TSC  Headquarters;

i.     County   Selection   Panel   minutes   duly  signed   by  the   Chairperson   and Secretary;

ii.    Current Merit List (Appendix IV)

iii.   List of all selected  applicants drawn  from the current merit list (Appendix  V)

iv.  List of all invited  applicants who did not appear for verification  {Appendix Vl);

v.   List of applicants with  special needs  (Appendix VII)

vi.  Duly  filled  Application  for  Employment  Forms   (APPT   I)    for  the  selected applicants;

vii. Original  statement  of confirmation  of PTE/KCSE/KCPE results  from  KNEC for applicants without original certificates;

viii. Certified copies of the following  documents in the order indicated below:

a)  National identification card;

b)  National   Council   of   Persons   with   Disability   (NCPWD)   Card   (where applicable):

c)  Two passport size photographs;

d)  KCPE  (or  its  equivalent)  Certificate  (include  certificates  for attempts  if one repeated exams);

e)   KCSE  (or  its  equivalent)  Certificates  (include  certificate  for attempts  if one repeated exams);

f)    PTE Certificate;

g)  Certificate of registration as a teacher;

h)   Evidence of service under Internship programme (where applicable);

i)      Primary  and  Secondary  Schools  and  college   leaving  certificates  and other testimonials;

j)    Sworn  Affidavit  where  names  appearing on the  submitted  documents differ;

k)   KRA PIN certificate,  Bank form and  Bank plate to facilitate appointment on payroll.

vii)       Written commitment  by the applicant to serve in  any county  posted to, for a  minimum  period of five (5) years, and  three (3) years in  case of  North Eastern region;

viii)      Panel score sheet  (Appendix I}  both in soft (excel)  via  and  hard copy  for the selected applicants;


a)  Merit Lists shall  be made  available to members of public  wishing to see them  on request in a manner  that will  not put the recruitment process into jeopardy.

b)  Under  no circumstances  should  the  Application  for Employment  Form  be defaced or photocopied for use.

c)  All  enquiries  arising  from  these   guidelines  should   be  made   to  the  TSC County Director. d) Notwithstanding  the  decentralization  of  the  function  of  teacher’s recruitment pursuant to Section 20 of the TSC  Act, the Commission is  not precluded  from  carrying  out recruitment  directly  from  the TSC Headquarters.

8.0      Attached find the following  Appendices;

a)  Appendix    I         (a):

b)  Appendix     1       (b):

c)  Appendix   II:

d)  Appendix   Ill:

Panel Score Sheet for primary school teachers.

Panel Score Sheet for primary school teachers living with disabilities.

Sub  County  Registration  list  of  applicants  who  present documents for verification. Sub County Merit List.

 e)Appendix IV:County Merit List
f)Appendix V:List of selected applicants
g)Appendix VI:List of applicants who did not appear for verification
h)Appendix VII:List of applicants with special needs.


Click here to download full guidelines for recruitment of primary school teachers with score sheets

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