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This is how we value our teachers, Matongo Boys give over 300k for good KCSE results

Details of how teachers were awarded

Matongo Boys High School located Sondu Constituency in Nyamira County has gone viral for its inspiring reward to its teachers.

The school has awarded its teachers a total of sh 331,400 for the impressive performance in the 2021 KCSE results.

The school recorded a mean score of 7.1 points which is a C+ (Plus) in the last KCSE exams.

Out of the 130 candidates who sat for the exams, a total of 78 candidates attained the direct university entry grade. This translates to 60% direct entry.

NO OF CANDIDATES00725262028165300000
TOTAL CANDIDATES130..............

The school embarked in rewarding with cash, teachers who performed well in their subjects.

The teachers were awarded based on the number of quality grades attained in their subjects. The grades the school used to award its teachers are A (plain), A- (minus), B+ (plus) and B (plain).

Each grade attracted a specific amount. Each A (plain) was equivalent to sh 1,200, A- (minus) sh 1,000, B+ (plus) sh 800 and B (plain) sh 600.

Mr Samuel Mose, a CRE teacher, topped in the awards after scoring many A’s in his subjects. Mr Mose scooped sh 80,400 for the good performance.

He was followed closely with Mr Onyari Samuel who received sh 71,600 for the exemplary performance in his History subject.

However English, Computer studies and Science teachers received very little amount because their subjects did not record very good performance also because some have low number of students interested in them.

Mr Charles Ndemo who is in charge of Computer studies received sh 2,000 only for his subject.

English department received only sh 600 while Physics teacher, Mr Erick Onduko, got sh 2,600 as reward.

We are happy for this school and the Principal Mr Tom Surumo, indeed this is encouraging and we know the teachers will be motivated to work even harder.

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