TSC employed teachers are set to undergo mandatory training that will equip them with required skills as they look forward to take part in Community Based Learning program.
As of Tuesday yesterday TSC said at least 224,494 teachers had registered for the exercise. Out of this 155,176 are primary school teachers while 69,318 are high school teachers. The deadline for registration has been extended by two more days with the exercise for registration expected to come to an end this Friday.
However Community Based Learning program which was scheduled to kick off starting 12/8/2020 according to a circular by TSC has dragged in many counties even after teachers visited the relevant offices and got registered.
In the circular dated 11/8/2020 TSC said various ministries will take part in the program to help in various capacities. TSC said the ministry of health will help in training teachers on Covid-19.
“Ministry of Health will support the programme by training the teachers on the MOH guidelines and protocols put in place by the Government to contain the spread of Covid-19,” read the circular.
TSC also said orientation and induction of teachers on learner engagement will be carried out through a multi-agency approach which will include the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Ministry of Health and the Teachers Service Commission itself.
The training of teachers is expected to begin tomorrow in most counties as evidenced through messages sent to teachers and seen by Teachers Arena.
“Please you are required to attend a training on Covid-19 starting tomorrow which will help in enhancing skills in readiness for Community Based Learning program. You are therefore required to report at ********** by 8am tomorrow for the exercise,” read a message sent to a teacher by his head teacher.
TSC highlighted some of the roles teachers will play on commencement of the program.
“Teachers will play a pivotal role to ensure the success of the programme. In this respect, teachers will be expected to carry out the following activities:•
1. Heads of institutions should be in school atleast once per week to supervise and monitor the programme.
2. Utilize the Nyumba Kumi programme to ensure that all learners participate in the programme.
3. Set up a face to face programme of engaging not more than 15 learners while strictly observing the Ministry of Health Guidelines and protocols. This engagement should be at least 4 Hours a day at no charge.
4. Organize the learners as much as possible according to their classes and/or age groups to ensure that the topics under discussion are relevant, suitable and appropriate to the group.
5. Sensitize and educate the learners on the guidelines and protocols issued by the Ministry of Health towards the containment of the Covid19 pandemic.
6. Identify in consultation with the officials from Ministry of Education and Ministry of Interior, suitable places like community halls or open spaces where conducive environment may be created to enable learning to take place within the community. Such places should be well arranged in strict adherence to the Guidelines and Protocols issued by the Ministry of Health.
7. Develop a daily activity based programme for engaging learners on life skills and values such as weeding, cultivating, grazing animals, storytelling, planting, debating life issues, hygiene and other related activities.
8. Provide learning activities in reading and numeracy and other subjects of interest to learners to keep them engaged.
9. Develop task-based activities for learners to undertake during the session or while with their parents at home.
10. Utilize available radio, television and online content within the reach of children to make learning interactive.
11. Assign reading and exercises to learners for home study.
12. Conduct remote daily or weekly follow up with students and parents.
13. Utilize local resources during learners’ engagement.
14. Offer guidance and counselling and psycho-social support to learners.
15. Monitor the progress and the status of learners and provide information to Curriculum Support Officers.