A high school principal is on the spot over the murder of his teenage daughter. Mr Rabet ONyango who is a head teacher at St. Juliane Ugari secondary school located in Suba East in Migori county is now in custody and waiting to be charged for murder. The principal is said to have committed the heinous act after catching her sixteen year old daughter communicating on a phone with her alleged boyfriend.
Neighbors said several times the principal has been heard confronting his daughter over relationships with men. They said they ran to the house to check after mother yelled in a way that signaled somebody has died. “We heard the daughter crying in distress but that was normal because the father is used to beating her and warning her over relationship with men for a long time now. But what shocked us is the mother who yelled in unusual way that suggested their is bad news about death”. The mother overwhelmed with tears could not comment on the incident but kept weeping for the loss of her form three daughter.
Angry neighbors were restrained from beating the teacher after police who were informed of the incident arrived on time and took control of the scene.
Since the corona pandemic their has been increase in domestic violence with most cases reported involving marriage partners. Children staying at home has also come with painful experiences the worst been rise in teenage pregnancies. A week ago Machakos county was trending with huge record in teen pregnancies involving over four thousands children, most of them caused by closely related family members.
The body of the teenage was taken to the the nearest mogue while police took Mr Onyango to Suba police station for further investigation.