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Step by step: How a headteacher can assign TPAD rights to deputy


Following the synchronization of Tpad and Tmis platforms, the assignment of appraisal rights to deputy head teachers is now purely the responsibility of the head teacher.

For a head teacher to do this, they MUST have Tmis rights as Head of Institution. The deputy MUST be on the school Tmis platform.

You may use the following steps to grant appraisal rights to your deputy:

1. Log in to your Tmis account. Successful log in should return the page below:

2. Tap the drop down arrow next to TMIS RETURNS

The system should return the page below:

3. Click at Submit Teacher Returns

A new page opens as follows below: (school details have been blurred for confidentiality)

4. Click at Next till it takes you to page 4 of 7 Primary Teachers Details

While at page 4 of 7, scroll to the right till you are able to see the column headed Responsibility and Action at the far right as below:

5.Once you identify the teacher you want to grant appraisal rights, check his /her responsibility, it reads Teacher, and the cell is blue (inactive).

Tap the icon under Action that corresponds to the teacher you want to assign rights

This will activate the whole row for the teacher (turns white), and the Action Icon for that teacher changes, see below:

6.Tap the drop down arrow  you see next to Teacher

Several options will appear; select Deputy H/T, then tap this icon under Action to save

(do not tap the icon of face, ap the one below as indicated by arrow) You have successfully assigned Tpad appraisal rights to that teacher. Let him /her log in.

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