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Sossion gets backing as Nation media apologizes for false reporting

Sossion gets backing as Nation media apologizes for false reporting

The Nation Media Group has apologized to teachers and the general public after publishing a false report that 90% of Knut Executive Secretaries had written to CS Labour to bar Sossion from contesting in next years elections.

The story which was aired yesterday through its popular newspaper stated that Knut branch officials are planning to block Sossion from vying for the top seat in the upcoming elections.

Only ten Knut Executive secretaries wrote to Labour CS requiring him to block Sossion from defending his seat.

Ten Knut secretaries signatures and details submitted to the CS

Yesterday Seven Knut officials threw their weight behind Secretary- General Wilson Sossion and distanced themselves from a plot to have him barred from seeking re-election.

The seven, who include Knut acting chairman Collins Oyuu and secretaries for Baringo, Mwingi, Mombasa, Kakamega East and Kajiado branches, took issue with a claim that 10 officials who signed a letter to the President and the Labour Cabinet secretary were representing 90 branch secretaries.

“In every working environment there can never miss disharmony. What I know is that only 10 met. That they represented over 90 branch executive secretaries is not known to me,” said Mr Oyuu.

Baringo Knut executive secretary Joshua Cheptarus said the 10 were speaking on their behalf and not for the 110 branch executive secretaries.

Anyone opposed to Mr Sossion should wait for elections scheduled for next year, he added.

Mwingi branch secretary Michael Munyasia said he had confidence in the leadership of Mr Sossion.

Kericho branch woman representative Ann Cheruiyot, who is also a national executive council member, also disowned the letter.

“We were not involved in the writing of the letter and therefore it cannot be the voice of branch secretaries or Knut teachers,” Ms Cheruiyot said.

Mombasa executive secretary Dan Aloo said his branch had not been consulted about the move against Mr Sossion. He added that it (the branch) fully supports the secretary-general.

Kakamega East branch executive secretary Patrick Chungani said the people claiming to oppose Mr Sossion were being used to fight him.

“There is nothing that Sossion has done to teachers to warrant his removal. Come next year, the teachers of this country will re-elect him as our secretary general,” said Mr Chungani, who is also the Knut western region chairman.

Kajiado branch secretary Elly Korinko said the group of 10 executive secretaries just wants to cause disharmony in the union.

“We’re ready for elections and no one sent any group to go represent us. We’re able to speak on our behalf,” Mr Korinko said.

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