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Reprieve for Knut CBC dismissed teachers as cases are set to be concluded

Reprieve for Knut CBC dismissed teachers as cases are set to be concluded

Its more roughly a year and a half since the teachers employer, TSC, interdicted more than one hundred and sixty teachers for causing chaos in CBC workshops. TSC and ministry of education had organized training for teachers scheduled for April last year but it turned out chaotic after a call to boycott the training by Knut turned to physical eviction of teachers from the training centres.

Out of the one hundred and sixty interdicted teachers forty two got dismissed after they failed to convince TSC disciplinary panels that they were innocent of the offences. Most of them were Knut branch secretaries, Chairmen and BEC’s. But a good number totaling one hundred and twenty eight had their cases listened and received favorable verdict since they were all reinstated.

But their has been calls to reinstate the teachers back to the teachers register. These calls mostly from the political leaders from areas where most teachers got dismissed by their employer.

Homabay MP Mr Peter Opondo Kaluma has been on the forefront fighting for reinstatement of these teachers and payment made to beneficiaries of those who died as a result of the dismissals.

Yesterday a decision was made in parliament that by August this year the dismissed teachers will have their cases concluded by their employer, TSC.

Mr. Peter Kaluma while making the submissions emphasized on speedy conclusion of the matter to save the lives of the suffering teachers.

It was also in the assembly sessions that an agreement was made that payments be made as compensation for those who died while on interdiction or as a result of dismissals.

Its a relief that the cases are going to be concluded for these teachers and possible reinstatement to the register of teachers. The teachers after dismissal were given ninety days to appeal.

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