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PS Suda urges universities to teach skills not theories

Universities have been asked teach skills that will enable students create jobs for themselves.

“Universities must get away from academic theories and give graduates skills that will help them fit well in the job market, as well as enable them to create jobs for themselves and others,” University Education and Research PS Collette Suda said.

Suda said it’s only through such initiatives that universities can creators of opportunities and centres of excellence that will guarantee Kenyans and the future generations a better and prosperous future.

She said this will also enable Kenya to become a middle-level industrialised country and achieve the country’s Vision 2030.

She was spoke on Friday at the University of Embu, during its 3rd graduation ceremony in which over 500 students graduated.

Prof Daniel Mugendi was installed as the university’s first Vice Chancellor, and the institution received ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 27001:2013 Quality Management Systems Certification from the Kenya Bureau of Standards.

The ceremony was presided over by a Frorida University lecturer Prof PK Nair, who was hosted by the university chancellor, Prof Musili Wambua and Mugendi among others.

Suda further asked universities to ensure they play a key role in helping the government to achieve its four main development agendas which are geared towards affordable housing, affordable healthcare, manufacturing and food security

Speaking during the function that was also attended by the university’s Council Dr Margaret Gikuhi, Suda said the government is focussed on ensuring that all Kenyans enjoy a level of wellbeing, that will enable them enjoy a happy, healthy and productive life.

Nair advised the graduates to go and change peoples’ lives with the good ideas and skill they learnt at the university and advance their training.

He also advised them explore other opportunities and embrace change in their job search.

Professor Wambua said graduates should live a life of integrity and not give in to peer pressure, and stay away from corruption.

He asked them to think intensively and critically using the knowledge they got from the university and use their intelligence and character to achieve their goals.

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