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President directs Magoha, stakeholders to release school calendar by tomorrow

President directs Magoha, stakeholders to release school calendar by tomorrow

President Uhuru Kenyatta has today given a way forward on how the economy will be reopened. The president has also given hope on school reopening.

President Uhuru Kenyatta who has lifted the ban of movement in and out of the Nairobi metropolitan area and the counties of Mombasa and Mandera which had been imposed to contain the spread of the coronavirus in the country has also said that the Ministry of education should work jointly with stakeholders in education to come up with a school calendar today or tomorrow.

“following consultations with stakeholders in the education sector, and cognizant of the surge in the rate of infections, the Ministry of Education shall jointly with all the stakeholders in the sector shall today, not later than tomorrow, notify the public on the resumption of the 2020 Academic Calendar for Basic Education and Tertiary Institutions”. said president Kenyatta from harambee house Nairobi.

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President Uhuru also has opened churches and mosques but with restrictions where not more than one hundred people are allowed to visit the places of worship. He also said Sunday schools and Madrasas remain closed with people aged thirteen and below and those aged fifty eight years and above banned to visit places of worship.

“Sunday Schools and Madrassas shall remain suspended until further notice, and in-person worship shall not include congregants under the age of thirteen (13) years or above the age of fifty-eight (58) years or persons with underlying conditions”. he said.

On issue of the rampant teenage pregnancies the president has directed the National Crime Research Centre to probe the violation of childrens rights.

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“to  fortify  our  protection  of  the  family  as  the foundation of the State, I further Direct and Order that the National Crime Research Centre to probe:

(i)     the escalating cases of gender-based violence;

(ii)    the worrying trend of cases where the girl child has been disempowered; and

(iii)   the violation of children’s rights.” he said

Click here to download the full president speech 6/7/2020

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