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Nyeri: Private school turned into chicken rearing site

Schools were shut on March 15 and will remain closed for the remainder of the year to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Schools with running loan facilities have been forced to explore other revenue generation activities after the education ministry declared the current academic year lost and declared a repeat of the academic year next year.

Lincon Njogu, the proprietor of Ndima Kanini Academy in Nyeri, ventured into poultry farming to bridge the funding gap as parents withhold tuition fees.

“We are currently reading chicken in our classrooms with teachers so that they can earn something for their upkeep so far we have sold three batches and they have something to eat,” Njogu said.

Other Schools are appealing for a State subsidy to keep them afloat for the remainder of the year.

Ndima Kanini Academy in Nyeri

Nyeri’s Private Schools Association Coordinator Kariuki Ndegwa said unless such a fund is created many of the institutions will close shop.

“We as an association want to urge our government to provide us with funds inform of grants or loans this will ensure that we are able to maintain our teachers whom we have put on unpaid leave  otherwise many of the schools will close shop forever,” said Ndegwa.

He noted provision of credible education is dependent on collaboration between public and private sector hence the need for government intervention.

Mureithi Ndagita who owns a college in Karatina town echoed Ndegwa’s sentiment saying most proprietors have encountered financial strain due to the closure of their institutions.

“Most of us are in financial red due to closure, we had invested heavily and have loans to repay that is why we need capitation money to keep us afloat,” said Mureithi.

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