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NHIF position on coverage of Covid-19 disease


Following the  outbreak  of corona virus  in December 2019,  the World  Health  Organization  (WHO), on March 11  declared  COVID-19  a pandemic.  The first case in Kenya was confirmed on 15th March 2020,  following which the President of the Republic of Kenya declared covid-19 a  public health concern and a pandemic.

Due to the inability to project and to accurately model the  magnitude and duration of pandemics, as  a  global  practice,  once declared by WHO, epidemics  and pandemics  are generally  not covered by insurance policies.  This is also in line with  the contracts that  National  Hospital  Insurance  Fund has signed  with  your facility  under Clause  8 General  exclusions, subsection  8.2.14 on epidemics and pandemics;  and clause  2.21  on benefits coordination,  sub-section  2.21.3,  which  guides on government coordinated  programs.

The health and wellness of our members is  of utmost importance to us,  and in support to the Government’s  efforts  in  mitigating  and  containing  the  spread  of  Covid-19,  we shall  support  all COVI D-19  positive  members  and their declared beneficiaries who get  admitted  to the Ministry of Health  (MoH) designated facilities outlined  below;

o     Kenyatta National Teaching & Referral Hospital,

o    Kenyatta University Teaching,  Referral and Research  Hospital,

o    Mbagathi County Hospital,

o     County designated facilities,

o     Any other facility as may be designated by Ministry of Health.

NHIF shall not be liable for bills incurred in non-MoH designated  health facilities.

I take  this  opportunity  to  appreciate  your  continued  support  in  offering  quality  healthcare services to NHIF beneficiaries.

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