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More delocalized teachers get TSC transfers as policy suspended

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has continued to issue transfer letters to delocalized teachers who applied for transfers last year.

Since last week many transfer letters have been trickling in into TSC County Directors offices for the delocalized teachers to pick.

The Commission which was trapped has done away with its delocalization and transfer policy which made it difficult for delocalized teachers to be transferred.

On 25th January the National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetang’ula, added a punch to TSC after he ruled that the delocalization policy is illegal as there was no parliamentary approval.

Now the Commission has quashed its policy of many years and is transferring teachers even those who have served for less than a year. In fact shockingly some teachers got transfer letters even though they lacked a replacement.

Delocalized teachers in some counties however have raised complaints that the TSC officials are blocking their transfers despite complying to the Commission requirements.

TSC was given till 31st January by Parliament to ensure all delocalized teachers who applied for transfers have been moved unconditionally.

While appearing before MPs, TSC board chair Jamleck Muturi and head of legal affairs Calvin Anyuor, were ordered to ensure the lawmakers decision on delocalization of teachers is implemented.

The Education Committee chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly gave the commission up to end of January to ensure all teachers who had been delocalized have been transferred back to their areas.

Melly told the commission not to belabour the matter but to ensure it tables a report on how it plans to implement the said move after the National Assembly made a decision on the said policy.

Its now clear that delocalized teachers who applied for transfers will ultimately be moved to areas they wanted.

However caution was issued against delocalized teachers who transferred without being officially released by the Head of Institution (HOI), Sub County Director (SCD) and the County Director (CD).

Some delocalized teachers have complained that they are being posted to different sub counties and not the ones they initially applied to.

Apart from delocalized teachers TSC has also affected a number of transfers for Principals of National, Extra County and Sub-County schools across the country who have been moved in the mass transfer.

Last month, TSC announced a mass transfer affecting 14, 613 teachers during the commission’s delocalization policy.

TSC Secretary Dr Nancy Macharia said, 12,019 teachers will be placed in the inter-country transfers which will be effected by the Regional Director of Education.

Further, the 2,594 teachers will be placed in the inter-regional transfers which will be effected by the Commission headquarters. Out of these, 226 will affect high school principals.

Makanda Victor Omondi leaves St. Anthony Kitale to take over St Mary’s Yala from Okoth Bonventure Olianda. 

Okoth will be the new Principal at Riokindo high school in Kisii county.

Mutali Chesebe has been transferred to St Anthony boys Kitale, while Edward Wachilonga of Riokindo high has been moved to Friends Chavakali school in Vihiga to replace John Kuira.

TSC has also moved Manoah Mwambwa Whycliffe from Sori Secondary to head Ramba Boys high school. He takes over from Canon James Okoyo, who is exiting teaching service.

Austine Muma takes over at Barding boys from Samuel Kaunda, who is also retiring while Florence Achieng Omondi paves way to Dr Jenipher Otola at Ng’iya girls in Siaya county.

In November, Ms Veronica Wahome was moved from Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls in Nyeri and posted to Kenya High School replacing Flora Mulatya.

Mulatya was posted to Australia as an education attaché.

Others affected in the mass transfer are Kakamega high school Principal Gerald Orina who is moving back to his home county of Kisii.

In 2021, the school alumni had written to TSC requesting his replacement.

Nanyuki high school chief Principal Oliver Minishi has retired paving way to Solomon Koech from Kangaru School.

Paul Weloba from Shikunga secondary school in Kakamega county has been appointed to head Friends School Kamusinga in Bungoma county.

Waloba who also served at Alliance high school and doubles as an international Rugby referee was installed on January 26, to replace Alex Maina Kariuki who has been steering the school in the last five years.

Mathews Linge retires from Ofafa Jericho, Nairobi and his place will be taken by Anthony Thuo from Miwani high school.

Huruma Girls head Grace Macharia will be heading to St Georges Girls Nairobi. 

Buru Buru girls school Caroline Maina leaves office after attaining the mandatory retirement age to Stella Wambua who is coming from AIC Sengani Girls, Tala in Machakos.

Daiga Secondary School Principal Leonard Karau has been transferred to a school in Ntrimiti near Kisima in Buuri sub-county, Meru county.

Kiambu high school will be taken over by Michael Kinyua from Nyahururu high school.

Otola leaves Ogande girls in Homa Bay County to Hellen Juma who was moved from Sinyolo girls while Achieng will take over at Sinyolo girls.

Mary Naliaka leaves Got Oyenga girls from Ugenya, Siaya.

After two years at St. Joseph’s Rapogi high school, Stephen Abong’o will be moving to Ringa high school.

Erastus Nyangwa from Ratanga high moves to Rapogi as the new Principal.

Nyangwa will welcome Nicholas Ochieng from Uriri high school.

Tenwek high school chief Principal, Simon Mutahi Chesebe who was to replace Makandi at St. Anthony boys Kitale was quashed.

His transfer was rescinded through a letter signed by TSC County Director, Bomet County Carolyne Nandi.

‘‘Reference is made to our letter Re. No. TSC/348291/86 dated January 20, 2023, transferring you from Tenwek Secondary School to St. Anthony Boys, Kitale Secondary as a Principal, with his place was set to be replaced by Sangutet of Friends Bwake Secondary.

‘‘It has been decided that the transfer be cancelled and you be retained in your current station as principal and to teach Kiswahili/History. Your duties and responsibilities will remain as provided in your appointment letter as a Principal,’’ said Nandi.

Richard Sang leaves Kaplong boys high school to Kabianga high school in Kericho to replace Dr Joash Aloo, who was elevated to be County Mi

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