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Ministry Circular to junior secondary school teachers

Ref: No. MOE.HQS/3/6//116 (56)

8th February 2023

To: Regional Director of Education
County Directors of Education
Sub-County Directors of Education


The Ministry of Education has recently released for the implementation of Junior Secondary Education.

At the same time the Government has allocated a capitation grant of Ksh. 15,000 per child.

However the Ministry continues to receive complaints from aggrieved parents/guardians and other stakeholders on the unauthorized levies imposed by head teachers especially admission fees, purchase of desks and lunch money in complete contravention of the government policies and directives.

Your attention is drawn to regulations 44 of the Basic Education Act 2013 which states that “No Public school or institution shall issue alternative fees structure other than those approved by the Cabinet Secretary“.

In view of the above, you are directed to ensure that no public school charges unauthorized levies such as admission fees, desks and lunch unless the school has a previous authorized lunch programme for the whole school.

Subcounty Directors of Education have been instructed to visit all the schools in their jurisdiction to establish whether students are being sent away due to unauthorzed levies and forward such cases for administration action by 10th February 2023.

Dr. Belio R. Kipsang, CBS

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