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Kuppet proposes holiday tuition to recover lost academic year

Kuppet proposes holiday tuition to recover lost academic year

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) on Tuesday, November 10 proposed the reintroduction of the banned holiday tuition to save the lost 2020 school calendar.

The union issued a raft of solutions that are set to be presented to the Education Taskforce on Covid-19 to enable students to smoothly transition to the next class.

KUPPET chairman Omboko Milemba made public the recommendations compiled by the union that are part of education stakeholders.

“We are going to talk to the teachers to see how fast we can cover the syllabus.

“We shall be proposing measures including what was outlawed as holiday tuition because teachers will have to teach extra hours in order to mitigate the time lost,” he noted.

Holiday tuition was outlawed back in 2012 under the then Education Minister Mutula Kilonzo who declared tuition a violation of children’s constitutional right as provided for under the Bill of Rights; Article 5 of the Kenyan Constitution.

Other recommendations include reducing subject content and highlighting the focus on key topics in order to fasten the process of syllabus coverage.

The union also proposed consolidation of term one and two content for the next class to avoid students repeating classes after missing out on most of the 2020 syllabus.

The teachers are also proposing reduced school holidays, teaching during the weekends and review class timetables to start class early.

The learners are also required to report to class early and finish lessons later than usual to cover more content.

KUPPET also demanded an apology from Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha for his insulting remarks against Uasin Gishu County Director of Education (CDE) Mbaga Gitonga.

“We are saddened that the CS, a professor, could insult his fellow civil servant. The conduct of the CS was not expected of him and he should apologise to all the teachers.

“He should have questioned why the school was in such a state rather than rush to insult an old man,” stated Uasin Gishu KUPPET Secretary Elijah Maiyo.

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