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KUPPET on preparedness for community based learning


KUPPET commends the government for  providing salaries to teachers and  other workers employed by Boards of Management in public schools. We  thank President Uhuru Kenyatta and the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Prof. George Magoha, for hearing the cries of the workers. BOM staff are indispensable to the normal functioning of public schools.

The  government’s action is a direct response to appeals by KUPPET. Since the very start of the COVID-19 outbreak, the union has been  at  the forefront calling for a package to cushion the most vulnerable Kenyans economically. As a member of the National Education Response Committee, we strongly pushed for the payment of B0M teachers. The  union also  lobbied Parliament to provide the funds.

In addition to cushioning teachers, security staff and  other employees, the funds will enable schools to continue meeting their obligations for utilities including electricity, water, telephone, garbage collection and other necessities. We  further urge the government to release full capitation funds for schools to enable them  develop the infrastructure necessary for complying with COVID-19 protocols by January 2021.

KUPPET fully supports the  government’s plan to roll out community-based learning in conjunction with the  Nyuma Kumi initiative. We  urge our members to come up with creative ideas to engage the learners in their respective localities, estates and villages. Our  message to teachers is simple: Even as we coordinate with the multi-sectoral agencies, don’t wait for Chiefs and  Provincial Administration officials to advise you  on this programme.

Given the anticipated complexity of the programme, the union will map  the country and establish which of our members will be available for the effort. We urge principals and headteachers who live within their school  communities to help  devise the clusters within which the community-based programmes will be delivered.

Away from curriculum subjects, teachers must bear in mind the social  needs of these perilous times and  provide a broad-based programme encompassing mentorship, guidance and counselling, hygiene and COVID-19 awareness, the nurturing of life skills, values and community service.

We  will also  work with the Teachers Service Commission to devise a point-based system for recognising teachers who  will participate in this  noble programme.

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