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KPSEA: Knec allows schools to register learners without assessment numbers

Schools can now register grade six learners who do not have assessment numbers for Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) set to be done in November this year.

This means learners who sat for School Based Assessments (SBA) in grade 4 and 5 but were not registered and their scores were not uploaded online are now eligible for registration for the grade 6 KPSEA exams.

However upon registration, the head of institution must make sure that the learners’ SBA scores for Grades 4 and 5 are uploaded.

“All eligible KPSEA candidates must be registered in the Grade 6 portal first in order to be assigned an Assessment Number. The Assessment number is mandatory for registration. Upon registration, the head of institution must make sure that the learners’ SBA scores for Grades 4 and 5 are uploaded,” SAID kNEC CEO.

In January Knec had issued a circular guiding schools on registration of learners for the KPSEA and KILEA exams.

Heads of institutions with learners following the regular pathway were asked to register their Grade 6 learners for KPSEA afresh for the assessment as was the case in 2023.

Knec said registration for KPSEA will be done through the KPSEA Registration portal which shall be accessible between 29th January and 29th March, 2024.

Candidates presented for the assessment are the eligible learners who have been learning in their schools.

Heads of institutions are expected to edit the candidates’ biodata where applicable to ensure accuracy of the registration data for all learners.

These include; Correct spellings and order of learners’ names as documented in their Birth Certificates, Gender, Year of birth, Citizenship, Religious Education option registered for, and category of special needs and disabilities (where applicable.

It also said transfer of candidates is only allowed during the registration period. After closure of the exercise, transfers will not be allowed.

Further, the transfer of candidates must be done online to avoid duplication of candidates.

Schools with less than five candidates will not be allowed to register candidates for the 2024 KPSEA as independent Assessment centres.

Such schools are advised to liaise with their respective Sub-County Directors of Education (SCDEs) to identify an approved KNEC Assessment centre with more than five (5) candidates for their learners to be registered there.

Assessment centres with less than thirty (30) candidates shall be hosted in Assessment centres that will be identified by the SCDEs, in line with the guidelines provided by KNEC on the same.

After registration exercise is completed Knec will release the KPSEA timetable for the 2024 candidates.

Last year a total 1,282,574 candidates sat for the KPSEA exams.

The candidates were allowed to join Grade 7 in the Junior Secondary Schools hosted by their respective primary schools where they attended Grade 1-6.

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