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Knut was consulted on CBC, Kuppet officials say

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers on Wednesday hit out at their Knut counterparts over the Competency-Based Curriculum.

Kuppet, which supports the CBC, dismissed Kenya National Union of Teachers. claims that it was not consulted. Knut is opposed to the rollout of the curriculum saying there was no proper consultation before the rollout.

“We have been involved from the word go. I represented the union in the task force in 2011 and the many stakeholders like Kessha and Knut were there. That was the initial stages of the CBC,” Kuppet deputy secretary general Moses Nthurima said.

He spoke during the third day of the 44th Kenya Secondary School Heads Association annual conference at the Kenya School of Revenue Administration in Mombasa.

“So when people say they were not involved in the development of the curriculum, I wonder whether they were coming to the meeting just to pick money for allowances and walk away,” Nthurima said.

He said it is irresponsible for anyone to mislead Kenyans that they were not involved in the CBC.

Kenya Institute if Curriculum Development CEO Julius Jwan said there have been many myths about the new curriculum that need to be cleared.

He said the curriculum designs for Grade 4 have been released and distributed to various actors including publishers.

“The designs were released early in April and are currently being distributed to schools and publishers in preparation for next year. The designs have been on our website since that time,” Jwan said.

Knut leaders, who will be addressing the principals on Thursday, have been challenging the Education ministry to form a commission to spearhead reforms in the sector.

However, Jwan said education reforms in the country do not necessarily require a commission to spearhead it.

The CEO said many commissions have been formed in the country, gobbling billions of taxpayers’ money but their reports never get implemented and instead gather dust in government shelves.

He said South Eastern Asian countries have moved forward while Kenya has lagged behind because they implement reports by commissions.

“There is no law that requires a commission to reform the education sector in the country,” said Jwan.

The CEO said consultations about the CBC started as far back as 2009 when doubts were raised about the 8-4-4 system.

He said the CBC has been rolled out in tandem with the East Africa treaty of 2012, which required that all the EA countries harmonise their curricula.

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