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Knec to be renamed Knac as Grade 9 and 12 to sit for national tests

The Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) was expected to ease the learners’ scramble for examination scores by placing more focus on skills and competencies.

However, draft proposals by the Presidential Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) show that the battle for higher grades will not be going anywhere soon. 

This is how the PWPER has proposed to have learners tested:

The Grade 6 assessment will not determine whether or not the learner will proceed to junior secondary school. 

Learners in Grades 9 and 12 will sit for national tests administered by the Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec).

The team has proposed that the Kenya National Examination Council (Knec) be renamed the Kenya National Assessment Council (Knac).

While the initial proposal was to have school-based assessments constitute 60 per cent, there is a proposal to have it at 40 per cent.

This means that learners will just be graded out of 40 per cent for internal tests while the final exams will constitute 60 per cent.

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