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Knec releases 2023 Grade 3 national assessments (practicals)

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) has released the 2023 national Competency Based Assessments (CBA) for Grade 3 learners.

According to the examiner both public and private schools can access the tools online from today and start administering to the learners.

However schools have till 11th August 2023 to ensure the assessments have been administered, scored and uploaded to the online CBA platform.

In a circular dated 17th April 2023, Knec asked school heads to access the assessment portal by login onto the CBA portal:

Any school that will have password challenges were asked to contact their respective Sub-county Director of Education for resetting of the password.

However for a start the Grade 3 regular learners will do the Kenya Early Years Assessment (KEYA) while those with special needs and disabilities will do Kenya Foundation Level Education  Assessment (KFLEA).

It will involve the Integrated Learning Areas (ILA). This means all learning areas combined and will be administered orally and through practicals.

The learners will sit for their written tests in October. They will for sit for two papers; Mathematics and English Activities.

Knec has asked headteachers to keep all records and evidence generated from the assessments done.

It also said the materials required for the assessments should be obtained from the immediate school environment or improvised as much as possible.

Knec will also make available assessments for Grade 4, 5 and 7 from July next month.

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