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Knec lists reasons and solution for invigilators who missed payment

The Kenya National Examinations Council (Knec) paid contracted professional their dues end of February after they successfully administered the 2024 exams and assessments.

However a number of contracted professional did not receive payment and are frustrated after they rendered their services.

Contacted Professionals include teachers, drivers and security personnel. Teachers are contracted as Examiners, Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators.

Knec has listed possible reasons why some missed payment and the way to go about it to get paid.

Reason 1
Name mismatch: The CP2 name and MPesa name of the phone number provided do not match.

Create a new CP2 account with a registered Safaricom (M-Pesa) number matching your ID details.

Reason 2
Missing ID number or TSC/PF number

Log in to the CP2 portal and update your details with the correct data.

Reason 3
Missing documentation (Attendance registers were not submitted or were submitted but lack official stamps and signatures).

Centre managers to download the attendance registers from the CP2 portal, verify the details, sign, stamp and submit them to the Sub-County Director of Education (SCDE), who will forward the updated documents to KNEC.

Reason 4
Contracted professionals who worked but were not deployed in the CP2 portal.

Contact your SCDE and register your query for onward submission to KNEC. Include the following: Year invigilated or supervised Exam invigilated or supervised Code of centre invigilated or supervised Name of officer Role in the exam/assessment centre, Safaricom M-pesa number that matches your ID details.

Reason 5
Slow response to KNEC requests for facilitation of data and/or late delivery of accurate and complete Contracted Professionals’ data.

KNEC processes complete and accurate data as it is received. Clean up your data and resend through the SCDE.

Knec revised upward the amount it pays its contracted professionals after protests from secondary school teachers.

Each invigilator and centre manager will get sh 550 per day as transport reimbursement while each supervisor will get sh 680 per day.

sh 680 per day for 3 days equals sh 2,040

sh 550 per day for 3 days equals sh 1,680

sh 680 per day for 16 days equals sh 10,880

sh 550 per day for 16 days equals sh 8,800

sh 550 per day for both KPSEA and KCSE

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