1. The teacher(s) will guide the learners to carefully read through the instructions for the performance task, carry out the task and maintain evidence.
2. The teacher(s) will use the scoring guide provided to assess the learners as they work.
3. Samples of work that show the learner’s progress and performance on the tasks should be
selected and maintained as evidence.
4. Samples of work selected for evidence should aim at demonstrating the learner’s progress and achievement in the different stages of project implementation.
5. The project implementation should be completed by 16th September 2022.
6. The marks awarded for the performance level demonstrated should be recorded on the score sheet provided.
1 Innovative gardening
1.1 Individually learners use textbooks, magazines, digital devices, guided internet and consult resource persons, parents /guardians to source for information and write notes on establishment of an innovative garden of his/her choice.
1.2 In groups of 4-6 learners, each learner orally presents the searched information (notes) on the chosen innovative garden. Using the digital devices available in the school, one group member should video record the presentation. The group member recording the video should be replaced when it is his/her turn to present. The video should be 15-20 minutes long (about 3 minutes per group member). The recorded video should be saved and submitted to the teacher for assessment.
1.3 The group members should then take turns to discuss and agree on the type of innovative garden to establish. Using the digital devices available in the school, one group member should video record the discussion. The group member recording the video should be replaced when it is his/her turn to present. The video should be 15-20 minutes long (about 3 minutes per group member). The recorded video should be saved and submitted to the teacher for assessment.
1.4 The group should then establish the innovative garden chosen.
1.5 The crop selected for the innovative garden should be early maturing and suited to the ecological zone of the school. The learners can select a mix of different crops.
1.6 The school should decide on an appropriate site for the innovative garden.
1.7 The learners should prepare the site and establish the innovative garden chosen.
1.8 Learners should be provided with planting materials for the crop chosen. Learners can also collect or borrow the planting materials from home.
1.9 Each group should raise at least 40 plants (10 plants per group member). The innovative garden should be properly labelled with the group number.
1.10 Materials and tools for raising the climbing fruit seedlings should be obtained from the immediate environment or improvised.
2 Each learner should be assessed on the following:
2.1 Information collected and notes written on the establishment of the innovative garden chosen
2.2 Individual oral presentation to the group.
2.3 Participation in the group discussion on the type of innovative garden to establish.
2.4 Participation in the establishment of the innovative garden.
2.5 Participation in caring for the innovative garden.
2.6 Creativity demonstrated in establishing the innovative garden.
2.7 Quality of the innovative garden established.
2.8 Performance of the crop established in the innovative garden.
2.9 Working relationship with the others during the group activity.
2.10 Appropriateness and timing of agricultural practices carried out.