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Knec gives schools till end of July to submit SBA project scores

The Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has given primary and junior schools one week for them to complete to submit the learners 2024 School Based Assessment (SBA) project scores.

However there are speculations that the examiner will add another more week to allow more schools to avail their scores.

In a circular dated 6th March 2024, Knec had guided schools on how the 2024 projects will be done.

The examiner had also issued timelines for downloading, administering the projects and submitting the scores through the online platform.

In primary schools the school based assessment scores in grade 4 and 5 account to 40% of the total scores in the final assessment done in grade 6 known as Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA).

In junior school the school based assessment scores in grade 7 and 8 account to 40% of the total scores in the final assessment done in grade 9 known as Kenya Junior School Education Assessment (KJSEA).

Schools have Knec projects each year in second term. In primary schools the school based assessment projects are done in grade 3, 4 and 5.

Grade 6 learners do not have projects cause they are preparing to sit their final assessment (KPSEA).

In junior school the school based assessment projects are done in grade 7 and 8.

Grade 9 learners do not have projects cause they are preparing to sit their final assessment (KJSEA).

In senior school the school based assessment projects are done in grade 10 and 11.

Grade 12 learners do not have projects cause they are preparing to sit their final assessment (KSSEA) – Kenya Senior School Education Assessment before joining tertiary institutions.

Each year schools also have written tests administered by Knec in third term. All primary and junior schools will have the written tests in September this year.

The tests will run from 30th September to 24th October 2024 for both primary and junior school classes.

Grade 3 written tests

Mathematics and English Activities

Grade 4 and 5 written tests

i) Mathematics
ii) English
iii) Kiswahili
iv) Kenyan Sign Language
v) Agriculture & Nutrition
vi) Science & Technology
vii) Social Studies
viii) Religious Education (CRE/IRE/HRE)
ix) Creative Arts

Grade 7 written tests

i) Mathematics
ii) English
iii) Kiswahili
iv) Kenyan Sign Language
v) Social Studies
vii) Integrated Science
viii) Creative Arts and Sports
ix) Pre-Technical Studies

Grade 8 written tests

i) Mathematics
ii) English
iii) Kiswahili
iv) Kenyan Sign Language
v) CRE/HRE vi) Integrated Science
vii) Creative Arts and Sports
viii) Pre-Technical Studies

In this second term the SBA projects covered a number of subjects. The following is a summary of what the projects were about in each assessed subject per grade.



Choral Verse in either English/Kiswahili in Groups of 8 – 12
Verse to address societal Issue appropriate to age and level of the learner
Overhead pass, double feet landing in netball and pivoting
Five-scale value gradation strip
Still life drawing or painting from observation


Demonstrate Osmosis in Living Tissues



Making an ornament (necklace) and carrying out exhibition to showcase learners’ artwork
Practical performance of a Kenyan Indigenous folk song
Catching the ball, dribbling and performing a standing shot


Making a model of the human Urinary System


Presenting messages to the school community during Drugs and Substance Abuse Awareness Day (Examples of commonly abused drugs and substances, Why people abuse drugs, make posters on effects, prepare banners on life skills needed to avoid, write points on flash cards on what you’ll do to avoid)



Decorate old items to make them beautiful using mosaic method
Perform folk dance from a Kenyan Indigenous community
Batting and fielding in rounders


Making a toy using solid waste


Creating awareness on the ways of caring for resources in the environment during the World Nature Conservation Day



Make a drawing of a still life composition from observation comprising two percussion instruments
Performance task on improvising rhythms on a percussion instrument
Chest pass and two handed ball catch


Making an air pollution detector using locally available materials


Use locally available materials to create a communication message on factors that promote peace in school and display it at the peace corner.

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