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Knec circular on trainee teachers resitting PTE, ECDE, DTE courses in 2025

2nd January 2025

To: All Principals of Diploma Teacher Training Colleges


Reference is made to the circular Ref. KNEC/GEN/EA/EM/TE/REG/2024/01 dated 4th November, 2024 on registration of teacher trainees for 2025 Teacher Education Examinations/Assessments.

The Council wishes to bring the following additional information to the attention of the Principals of Diploma Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs):

1.0 KNEC will be administering examinations in the following old Teacher Education curriculum courses in the year 2025:

1.1 Diploma in Special Needs Education (DSNE);

1.2 Diploma in Teacher Education (DTE) for Repeaters only;

1.3 Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) for Repeaters only;

1.4 Teacher Certificate in Adult Education (TCAE); and

 1.5 Primary Teacher Education (PTE) for Repeaters only.

2.0 The examinations listed in 1.0 will be administered electronically through the CBATE e-assessment portal. Principals are therefore requested to adequately prepare for the administration of the examinations by putting in place the required ICT infrastructure and internet connectivity for effective online administration of Continuous Assessment Tests and end of the course examinations.

3.0 Teacher trainees planning to re-sit DTE, ECDE and PTE examinations are advised to register in any of the approved KNEC e-assessment centres listed in Table 4.1. by 30th January 2025. This deadline also applies for the new teacher education curriculum assessments.

4.0 The Directorate of Adult Education will register TCAE teacher trainees in their respective KNEC approved Centres and map them to any of the listed venues.

4.1 Table 1: List of approved KNEC e-assessment Centres for registration of the old Teacher Education Curriculum Examinations

SINO.RegionName of Proposed Teacher Training CollegeExaminations approved for registration
1.CoastShanzu TTCECDE/PTE referrals
2.CentralKagumo TTCDTE referrals
3.CentralKamwenja TTCECDE PTE referrals
4.CentralMurang’a TTCECDE/PTE referrals
5.EasternEgoji TTCECDE/PTE referrals
6.EasternMachakosECDE/PTE referrals
7.EasternMIT Teachers Training CollegeDTE referrals
8.EasternSt. Augustine TTCDTE referrals
9.NairobiThogoto TTCECDE PTE referrals
10.Rift ValleyTambach TTCECDE PTE referrals
11.Rift ValleyChesta TTCECDE/PTE referrals
12.Rift ValleyKericho TTCECDE/PTE referrals
13.Rift ValleyMadonna TTCDTE referrals
14.Rift ValleyMosoriot TTCECDE/PTE referrals
15.Rift ValleyNakuru TTCDTE ECDE PTE referrals
16.WesternKaimosi TTCECDE/PTE referrals
17.WesternST.Pauls Kibabii TTCDTE referrals
18.WesternLugari TTCDTE referrals
19.NyanzaKenyenya TTCECDE/PTE referrals
20.NyanzaSt Pauls’ Nyabururu TTCECDE/PTE referrals
21.NyanzaSeme TTCECDE/PTE referrals
22.NyanzaAsumbi TTCECDE/PTE referrals
23.NyanzaMigori TTCECDE/PTE referrals
24.North EasternGarissa TTCECDE/PTE referrals
25.North EasternMandera TTCECDE/PTE referrals

5.0 The Colleges presenting teacher trainees in Diploma in Special Needs Education (DSNE) examinations are advised to register teacher trainees in their examination Centres but they must meet the minimum candidature requirement of ten (10) teacher trainees and KNEC e-assessment center requirements.

6.0 All colleges should ensure that all trainees registered for the 2025 old curriculum teacher examinations listed in 1.0 are adequately prepared for the examinations. KNEC will arrange for training of the examinees and the teacher educators that will include administration of mocks tests. Details on the training will be communicated later.

7.0 To facilitate the KNEC e-assessment process, all teacher trainees are required to have laptops with the following minimum specifications by 15th February, 2025:

7.1 Licensed Windows 10 version 22H2 and above;

7.2 14-inch screen (minimum resolution 1920 x 1080);

7.3 Integrated Webcam;

7.4 HDD 256gb SD;

7.5 Memory 8gb;

7.6 Core i3 gen 6 above;

7.7 Internal Battery that can last for more than 3hrs;

7.8 IEEE 802.11 Wireless capability (ac,g or n).

8.0 All Principals of the registered Diploma Teacher Training Colleges should ensure availability of stable internet connectivity and power supply during the Mocks and summative administration.

You are hereby requested to ensure that your institution and teacher trainees prepare adequately for the administration of the 2025 assessments as guided.

Dr. David Njengere, MBS

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