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JSS tutor interdicted by headteacher for meddling in funds

A junior secondary school (JSS) teacher is nursing wounds of interdiction which he got as a result of meddling in JSS funds which was released to the school some weeks ago.

The Narok Physics/Chemistry intern teacher says trouble brewed when he ordered for a complete desktop computer to be bought for the Grade 7 Computer Science assessment project.

However the primary school headteacher who is also acting as the principal for JSS was in disagreement with the teacher who had presented a list of things he wanted bought for the assessment projects.

The headteacher had crossed some of the things in the list which the teacher had wanted for the assessments.

He said the funds are not enough and that the teacher should use locally available materials to do the Knec projects and practicals.

The headteacher also told him to use the two available primary school laptops for the projects and incase they are not enough he should add the school tablets.

The teacher however insisted for a complete desktop saying the laptops cannot replace the desktop and when his head rejected he went ahead to contact members of the Board of Management (BOM) on the issue.

This move is said to have angered his headteacher who reacted immediately by writing a letter and taking it to the sub county director.

The teacher is said to have been at loggerheads with his headteacher on how activities including purchase of items should be done in the school.

At one time he is said to have demanded for upkeep money because TSC had delayed his stipend for three months.

Also in the recent past he and his head were locked in argument over players who were to attend for games in a nearby school.

The headteacher is said to have dodged and switched off his phone when it was time to transport the players and providing other necessities for the activities.

One teacher who spoke on anonymity says the school did not participate in sub-zonal activities because the headteacher did not provide funds for payers logistics.

“Ni mgumu kama ngumu, hata wanafunzi hawakuenda michezo juu ya pesa na shule ilipata karibu laki mbili za junior secondary,” said the teacher.

In the TSC sub county directors office, a show cause letter was issued which the headteacher later issued to the teacher after summoning him in office.

He was slammed with an interdiction letter and was required to respond in defense within fourteen days.

However a Knut official who is also a headteacher in the neighbouring school intervened and the interdiction letter was later successfully withdrawn.

The teacher was then advised to stick to his lane and avoid things which could put his career in jeopardy.

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