BOM teachers who are yet to receive their pay have now been given direction on what to do so that they can get paid.
Education CAS Zack Kinuthia acknowledged that there are BOM teachers who have reached to him because they still haven’t been paid after money was released to schools.
“There are two sets of BOM Teachers. One is paid, the other is not yet paid.
The paid is grateful, the unpaid is suffering.
Both are Right
Let me say the following. The two represent what is on the ground. I will appreciate all feedback.
Those who are yet to be paid will need to do the following.
Write to or Call Your Heads.
If the Head has not yet received the money, the Head should write to the Sub County Director of Education. SCDE will escalate all the way to us.
From here, I will act through the Line State Department.
Don’t lose your calm yet. And don’t Insult me privately. I am not GUILTY. I am not the Arsonist. I am trying to put off the fire for you,” said Kinuthia.
On August the Ministry of Education said it has released Free Day Secondary Education funds at a capitation rate of KShs. 5151.00 per student.
The data used for this capitation was extracted from National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) on Wednesday 5th August, 2020 at 2.50 PM.
The Vote Head break down for the utilization of funds was as below:-
Operational Account
Item | School | Retained | Total Amount |
Maintenance and Improvement | 500 | 00.00 | 500.00 |
Other Vote heads (Personal Emoluments, EWC, Adm. Costs) | 3226.00 | 00.00 | 3226.00 |
NHIF EduAfya | 00.00 | 675.00 | 675.00 |
Total | 3776.00 | 675.00 | 4401.00 |
Tuition Account
Item | School | Retained | Total Amount |
BOM teachers | 0.00 | 750.00 | 750.00 |
The Ministry of Education also said it had released 50% of FDSE funds to schools. These funds included P. E funds up to June 2020.
“In this regard, Ksh.3,226 per learner should be utilized in the payment of salaries to non-teaching staff, water and electricity bills as well as administrative costs up to December 2020,” read the circular.
The Ministry of Education further said it will support teachers employed by the Boards of Management (BOMs) as at 15th March 2020 for six months only from July to December 2020 by paying them Ksh.10,000.00 per month.
Each teacher must sign for the money personally and records kept for later auditing.
Payment should be made monthly and not in advance.
Schools with BOM teachers will receive a separate commensurate disbursement based on the data obtained from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in to their operation account.
Only teachers with TSC numbers will benefit from this package.
However there are numerous claims by Board of Management teachers not receiving their salaries even after Ministry said it has wired the funds into school accounts.