Session 1: Account creation
Session 2: TPAD Online System Dashboard for different users
Session 3: Notifications
Session 4: Self Appraisal Presentation
Session 5: How to undertake Lesson Observation
Session 6: Learners Progress Record
Session 7: Lesson Attendance
Session 8: Appraisal by Appraiser (Primary and Secondary)
Session 9: Agreement on target achievements and completion of the appraisal process
Session 10: Scheduling of appraisal rating meeting
Session 11: TPD Presentation
Session 12: Cancelled Appraisal
Session 13: Performance Contract
Session 14: TPAD – Teacher reports
Session 15: TPAD – HOI reports
Session 16: Allocation of rights
Session 17: Head of Institution (HOI) portal TTC
Covid-19 Workplace Engagement