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Complete TSC teacher promotion interview quiz and answers 2023

• TSC county director
• TSC deputy county director (2)
• Assistant deputy directors: ICT, Teacher management, HRM, Procurement and stores, Accounts,

TSC mandate
Core Mandate
The mandate of the Commission as provided by Article 237(2) of the Constitution and codified in the Act is as follows:
• Register trained teachers;
• Recruit and employ teachers;
• Assign teachers employed by the Commission for service in any public school or institution;
• Promote and transfer teachers;
• Exercise disciplinary control over teachers; and
• Terminate the employment of teachers.

Expanded Mandate`
Further, Article 237 (3) mandates the Commission to:
• Review the standards of education and training of persons entering the teaching service.
• Review the demand for and supply of teachers.
• Advise the National Government on matters relating to the teaching profession.

In addition to the powers under the Constitution, Section 11 of TSC Act grants the Commission the following functions:
• Formulate policies to achieve its mandate;
• Provide strategic direction, leadership and oversight to the secretariat;
• Ensure that teachers comply with the teaching standards prescribed by the Commission under the act;
• Manage the payroll of teachers in its employment;
• Facilitate career progression and professional development for teachers in the teaching service including the appointment of head teachers and principals
• Monitor the conduct and performance of teachers in the teaching service; and
• Do all such other things as may be necessary for the effective discharge of its functions and the exercise of its powers.

What empowers TSC to carry out its functions
• The constitution of Kenya Article 237(1)
• Teachers service commission Act 2012

What is the role of secretary of TSC?
 The head of the secretariat
 The accounting officer of the commission
 The custodian of records of the commission
 Execute the decisions of the commission
 Assign duties to and supervise the staff of the commission
 Facilitate, coordinate, and ensure the execution of the commission mandate
 Ensure staff compliance with public ethics and values
 Performs general administration of the commission
 Perform any other duties as may be assigned by the commission

TSC Core Values
• Professionalism: all TSC employees are expected to apply the skills, knowledge, competencies that meet the standards needed for the work assigned.
• Customer Focus: employees are expected to demonstrate high level of responsiveness to customer needs.
• Integrity: employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrate honesty, high moral and ethical standards and commitment to work.
• Innovativeness: employees endeavor to inject new ideas and approaches in service delivery.
• Team Spirit: members and employees of the commission are committed to embracing unit of purpose in discharge of their duties.


• The hands – symbolize TSC’s authority in teaching service. The embracing form of hands is a sign of its warmth and compassion for employees.
• The motor Board – duty to review teaching standards, training, fitness to reach prospective teachers.
• Map of Kenya – TSC’s area of jurisdiction. • The black board – the teaching service.
• The Book – teachers register, TSC’s policies, codes, Acts, |Records, Knowledge, and information.
• TSC letters and sun rays – supply of TSC teachers to all public schools in Kenya.
• The circle and platform- the scroll with TSC motto represents the unity of purpose in its mission, flexibility and adaptability to changes.
• Black – National aspiration.
• Gold – Leader in teaching service.
• Blue – TSC’s vision as in “the sky is the limit”.

TSC MOTTO: Effective service for quality teaching.

TSC VISION: A motivated, ethical and globally competitive teacher.

MISSION: To regulate, maintain and manage the teaching service through sound policies operational excellence for quality teaching and lifelong learning.

They include:
(ii) On Line Services
(iii) Decentralization of Services
(iv) Collective Bargaining Agreement
(v) Career Progression Guidelines
(vi) Appointment of School Administrators through Competitive Interviews

Three types of retirement benefits.
Pension, marriage & death Gratuity, and work injury benefits

When is a teacher is given study leave with pay?
 When selected for training by the commission
 UT teachers in employment of TSC studying for a PGDE in approved universities  UT technical teachers undertaking professional training in KTTC.
 P1/ATS IV admitted in KISE to study a diploma in special education
 Teachers admitted in accredited local universities for master’s degrees in selected areas.

Circumstances under which a teacher can request for a special leave
When a teacher has been selected, and appointed to attend a meeting, workshop, study tour or seminar for a duration not exceeding three months, which is of national interest or is relevant to education and teaching service

The TSC agent in your school
The Board of Management.

Grounds for Administration of Disciplinary Action
(a) Immoral behavior, including but not restricted to;
 Sexual intercourse
 Sodomy
 Lesbianism
 Sexual harassment or flirtation
(b) Professional misconduct including but not restricted to;
 Negligence of duty
 Lateness to duty
 Chronic absenteeism
 Desertion
 Incitement
 insubordination
(c) Infamous conduct including but not limited to;
 drunkenness
 fighting
 conduct or behavior which in the opinion of the commission contradicts the spirit and letter of chapter six of the constitution
(d) Forgery
(e) Mismanagement and embezzlement of public
(f) Any other act or conduct that is incompatible with the teaching profession.

Cases of interdiction where a teacher earns half salary.
Incitement, insubordination, infamous conduct, and negligence of duty.

Number of days in a year in which a permanent and pensionable teacher is entitled to annual leave
Maximum of thirty days.

Possible verdicts of interdiction
From the evidence gathered the commission may;
 Revoke the interdiction
 Warn the teacher
 Suspend the teacher from duty
 Dismiss the teacher from service
 Retire the teacher in the public interest
 Dismiss and remove from the register

Difference between interdiction and suspension.
temporary prohibition of a teacher from exercising the powers and functions of the teachers’ office pending determination of the teacher’s disciplinary case.
Suspension- the removal of a teacher from duty after determination of a disciplinary case.

Interdiction cases where a teacher does not earn any money
Chronic absenteeism, desertion of duty, refusal to go on transfer, having been jailed or held in legal custody, misappropriation or mismanagement of funds, forgery, fraudulent claims and receipts of funds, use of false certificates, impersonation or collusion and not of good moral conduct.

Different types of leaves a teacher is entitled to.
 Annual leave- max of 30 days during school holidays. Apply to head of institution.
 Sick leave- max 3 months with full pay, further 3 months with half-pay
 Compassionate leave- time off duty to commiserate with immediate or expanded family in times of distress. Granted for max of 15 days in any one calendar year.
 Special leave- granted to those traveling abroad to participate in seminars or short courses, important events etc.
 Maternity leave- granted to female teachers up to a max of 90 days excluding school holidays., on account of confinement,
 Study leave- granted with or without pay to those who have taught for at least 5 years.
 Paternity leave- granted to male teachers up to a max of 10 days during the period of spouse’s maternity leave.

CBE and how it’s calculated
CBE stands for Curriculum Based Establishment. It shows the staffing requirements of an educational institution.
For primary
Number of physical classes plus 1

For secondary schools
Total lessons offered in the school per week plus Sum of the shortfalls for principal, deputy principal and H.O. D’s divide by ‘27’ Shortfalls

The person entering the teaching service shall:
 Obtain a valid certificate of registration
 Possess the relevant qualifications prescribed by the commission
 Possess a certificate of good conduct from the criminal investigation department
 Meet the requirements of chapter six of the constitution.

A teacher shall comply with the following performance standards:
 Take out teaching certificate from the commission
 Undertake Professional Development Programme prescribed by the commission
 Possess the professional documents stipulated in the regulation 42 (1)(a)
 Use the appropriate teaching and learning resources where available
 Be proficient and possess mastery of the subject content
 Have mastery of appropriate pedagogical skills
 Be able to plan and effectively implement each teaching and learning activity, including the objectives, scope, timing, and teaching resources
 Be able to assess, provide feedback and report to learners about achievement in learning  Be professional and adhere to ethical practice  Be prudent in the management of resources.

A teacher’s professional documents as stipulated in regulation 42(a)(i) of the COR are:
 A certificate registration
 Syllabi for the relevant cycle of education approved by the KICD
 Schemes of work
 Lesson plans
 Lesson notes
 Record of work
 Learners progress records
 Learners value added records
 Class attendance register
 Any other legal documents pertaining to education

The head of institution shall in performing the role of quality assurance within the institution:
 Teach- undertake a reasonable teaching load
 Assignment of teaching and other official duties to teachers
 Supervise and ensure quality implementation of the curriculum
 Develop the institutional plan and ensure that institutional academic targets and objectives are met.
 Verify teachers’ professional documents
 Supervise the actual coverage of syllabus
 Ensure that teachers attend classes
 Ensure that adequate teaching and learning materials approved by KICD are available for the implementation of curriculum.
 Advice the commission on optimum curriculum based establishment in the institution
 Update the commission and other stakeholders on institutional performance
 Ensure a conducive teaching and learning environment in the institution
 Induct new teachers and ensure mentoring programmes are in place on the professional requirements as outlined in the COR.
 Offer guidance and be a role model to teachers
 Implement educational policies and co-curricular programme developed by the cabinet secretary responsible for the time being for matters of education
 Ensure maintenance of teaching standards and professional records by the teachers under his/her supervision.
 Be the custodian of the institutional records and submit returns to the commission and approved agents as required
 Produce all the relevant records and documents for inspection upon request
 Appraise all teachers under their supervision
 Offer technical advice to the Board of Management and other stakeholders in the institution to enable the institution to meet its objectives
 Implement the resolutions of the board of management in his/her capacity as its secretary  Ensure proper management and maintenance of institutional resources.
 Perform any other role that may enhance teaching standards and professionalism among teachers.

 Facilitate the processing of teacher registration and enforcement of requirements for teacher registration
 Coordinate teacher recruitment at the county and ensure that the commission’s recruitment guidelines in force are adhered to
 Maintain a data base of registered teachers including the unemployed teachers within the county
 Manage aspects of teacher management as per the existing policy and guidelines within the county through recruitment, transfers, posting, receiving, and recommending teachers study leave, handling disciplinary matters as directed by secretary and identifying through a competitive process and recommending to the secretary, teachers to be deployed to administrative positions.
 Implement guidelines issued by the commission from time to time
 Maintain a data base of all administrative posts in the county
 Maintain a data bank of all teacher vacancies available at the county
 Coordinate identification and selection of candidates for Teacher Professional Development Courses within the county as per the guidelines issued by the commission from time to time
 Coordinate teacher promotion under the common cadre establishment within the county
 Ensure that teachers comply with the teaching standards prescribed by the commission
 Monitor the conduct and performance of teachers at the county level
 Oversee performance appraisal of teachers at the county level
 Submit other reports related to performance of teachers at the commission may require from time to time
 Transmit reports from heads of institution to the commission
 Supervise teachers within the county
 Advise respective county governments on matters relating to the teaching profession
 Receive and transmit teachers’ documents for processing of pension and related dues

TPAD process
• Development of appraisal Calendar
• Setting Targets
• Implementation of targets and gathering of evidence
• Self -Appraisal and Standards based on competencies and standards
• Appraisal rating by Appraiser based on evidence gathered
• Appraisal rating meeting between Appraiser and Appraisee (Question and Evidence)
Identification of gaps by Appraisee and Appraiser
• Development and implementation of teacher support and performance development

TPAD Standards and max ratings for each
• Professional Knowledge and Practice (max rate-3)
• Comprehensive Learning Environment (max rate-3)
• Teacher Professional Development (max rate-3)
• Teacher Conduct and Professionalism (max rate-6)
• Participation in Professional Learning Community (max rate-5) TPAD Assessment areas
• Teaching standards
• Learners progress
• Lesson attendance Dashboard features

Teachers’ dashboard
 Self-appraisal
 Appraisal reports

DHOI’s dashboard
 Self-appraisals (Lesson observation &Self-Assessment)
 Appraiser appraisals (Pending appraisals, Schedule appraisal meetings and Weekly Attendance)  TPD
 Appraisal reports
HOI’s dashboard
 Self-appraisals (Lesson observation &Self-Assessment)
 Appraiser appraisal (Pending appraisals & scheduling meetings)
 Institutions appraisals (Incoming assessment, Appraisal arbitration, Countersigning,
Cancelled appraisals, Lesson observation and Failed appraisals)
 Calendar of activities: (TPAD Calendar & PC Calendar)
 TPD (TPD Modules, TPAD TPD and Institution TPD)
 PC (Manage PC OWP & PC Evaluation)
 Institution set up: (Manage teachers, Incoming teachers, & Manage institutions & School performance)
 Reports: (TPD Reports, TPD summaries, Demographic reports, Lesson Attendance reports, Appraisal reports, Appraisal based TPD reports, Learners progress reports)

TPAD calendar


TPAD ActivityAction ByTime Frame
1.Planning meetings before school opening involving all staff to set school TPAD Activity calendarHeads of Institutions , Senior
Management Team, Teachers,
By the last week of the school holiday.
2.Submission of professional documentsHeads of institution
All Teachers
By the end of the first week of the term
3.Undertaking lesson observations and identifying and documenting teacher’s professional gapsAppraisees and appraisers.Between 2nd week and 10th week of the term
4.Undertaking teacher professional development to address professional gaps.Appraisees, appraisers, institutional administrators.Throughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
5.Internal Monitoring & Evaluation of the implementation of TPAD process.Heads of institution, Deputy Head of Institution, Heads of DepartmentContinuous throughout the term
6.Monitoring the implementation of TPAD process at county level; zonal, sub county & countyCurriculum Support Officers, Sub County Directors and County DirectorsThroughout the term; from 1st week to the last week of the term
7.TPAD rating meetingsAppraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)By the closing date of the term
8.Uploading of TPAD data and evidence.Appraisee (teachers) and appraiser (HODs, deputy heads, Heads of Institution, CSOs, SCD)Throughout the term

Functions of DHOI in TPAD
• Update the Lesson Attendance Register on weekly basis
• Appraise the HODs and teachers
• Schedule meetings for appraising the HODs and teachers
• Coordinate teacher lesson attendance register and lesson recovery
• Observing the HODs and teachers
• Arbitration for the teachers Functions of HOI in TPAD
• Provide oversight role in the performance appraisal for the teachers
• Continuously monitor and evaluate the appraisal process and submit termly reports
• Appraise the Deputy Principal
• Schedule meetings for appraising the Deputy Principal
• Observing the Deputy Principal
• Countersigning officer for all the teachers in the school
• Arbitration

Requirements of TPAD login
• TSC number,
• ID number
• Password

Meaning of TPAD

Reasons for incomplete appraisal-
Failure to
• Update ratings
• Select subjects taught
• Update lesson attendance
• Undertake lesson observation

Teacher management information system is a portal for heads of institutions to update data from the teachers’ service commission.

TMIS enables HOIs to update:
• School basic school details
• Ordinary and special enrolment
• Teachers’ details
• Teachers on study leave
• Teaching load
• KCPE/KCSE performance.

Definition of curriculum, co-curricular and core curriculum.
All planned learning programs that facilitate formal, non-formal and informal learning.
Co-curriculum: Voluntary curriculum that includes sport, clubs, student government and school publications.
Core curriculum: The body of knowledge, skills and attitudes expected to be learned by all students, generally related to a set of subjects and learning areas that are common to all students.

Distinction between formal, non-formal and informal curriculum
Formal curriculum: the curriculum in which there are deliberately organized, planned and written processes in a formally organized learning institution such as a school with organized structures such as classrooms.
• Non formal curriculum: refers to any organized, planned and written learning activity that operates outside the formal education system. It emphasizes practical skills and targets particular population group.
Informal or Hidden curriculum: curriculum that constitutes a lifelong process in which people learn from every day experiences which are not necessarily planned or organized.

Difference between curriculum and syllabus
Is all planned learning programs that facilitate formal, non-formal and informal learning.
Syllabus: Is a course outline comprising a collection of topics on the same subject matter and a series of statements of what is to be learned within a given time frame. This consists of the content and objectives of the core subjects and optional subjects offered.

Stages of Curriculum Development
• Conceptualization and policy formulation.
• Curriculum designs.
• Development of syllabuses.
• Development of curriculum support materials.
• Preparation of curriculum implementers.
• Piloting/Phasing.
• National Implementation.
• Monitoring and Evaluation.

Weaknesses of 8-4-4 system of education
• Is academic and examination oriented
• Is teacher-centered with a high degree of subject content
• graduates at secondary school level do not acquire adequate entrepreneurial skills for selfreliance
• the risk of the emergence of social vices such as increased crime, drug abuse and anti-social behaviour
• the current curriculum does not provide flexible education pathways for identifying and nurturing talents
• Increased drop out and wastage rates in the education sector.

Competence Based Curriculum
CBC is a curriculum that targets the acquisition of competencies, values and life skills by learners that can enable them to become Empowered, Engaged and Ethical citizens.

The curriculum is hands on and hence it requires the collaboration of the parent and the teacher in ensuring that the learner is facilitated to learn

Its vision: to enable every Kenyan to become an Engaged, empowered and Ethical Citizen.

Its mission: Nurturing Every Learner’s Potential

Core competencies (7): Communication and Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Imagination, Citizenship, Digital Literacy, Learning to learn, and Self-efficacy.

Core Values: Love, Responsibility, Respect, Unity, Peace, Patriotism, Social justice, and Integrity.

Structure of CBC.






Outlawed actions as enshrined in the basic education act







Cap 73 (2) Guiding principles of leadership and integrity


Emerging Issues 


The school accounts are audited annually

(i) School financial statements

(ii) School income sources

(iii) Expenditure

(a) Recurrent expenditures

(b) Non-recurrent expenditure

(iv) Types of budgets

(v) Records used in procurement

(vi) Records used in delivery of goods 

(vii) Records used in receiving cash

(viii) Records used in paying out/ disbursing cash

(ix) Other documents 

(x) Cash can be withdrawn from the bank in five ways

(xi) Bank statement reconciliation

Deadline for submission of the Books of account for auditing
Four months from the end of each financial year of the government.

Under what circumstances can a school use direct procurement method.

Established under Section 55 of The Basic Education Act 2013.It is composed of; 

Roles of BOM
Some of the responsibilities and roles that are expected of this board includes;

Roles of Parent Association – P.A
In order to help the school realize its purpose, parents play some important roles. These include,  Raise money to help both the running and the activities of the school.

The Ministry of Education is led by the Cabinet Secretary. Under him are 3 Principal Secretaries. 

Role of the Minister for Education

Who publishes for the Ministry of Education
Kenya Literature Bureau (KLB)

Mandates of the KICD
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) is mandated to perform the following functions:




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