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Community Based Learning full implementation guidelines

The Ministry of  Education and TSC using a multi-agency approach and in collaboration with Ministry of Interior and Coordination National Government  through the Nyumba Kumi initiative will implement the community based learning as from September 2020.

This is a follow up to extensive consultations with all stakeholders in the Education sector on community-based learning as a means of engaging learners during the current period of Covid 19 pandemic.

• To enable smooth running of the programme, detailed Guidelines  have been developed to facilitate the roll out of the programme

• The  guidelines will cover establishment of Community  Based  learning committees, mapping of learners, mapping of teachers, identification of venues, content and assessment as well as supervision and monitoring

What is community based learning?

•Community based learning approach is where learners are meaningfully engaged to learn within their communities.

• The purpose of establishing community based learning is to engage learners during the COVID – 19 schools’ closure.

Establishment of CBL Implementation Committee

Composition of CBL Committees

• The implementation of community based learning will be done by multispectral committees based at

• the County level,

• Sub County level and

• the Zone.

The committees will draw their membership from the following government agencies:

• Ministry of Education

• Teachers’ service commission

• Ministry of Health

• Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government

• County Government

County community based learning committee

The county committee will consist of the following members

• County Commissioner

• Education CEC

• County Director of Education

• TSC County Director

• County Quality Assurance Officer

• County Ministry of Health Officer

• The county committee will be co-chaired by the County Director of Education and the TSC County Director.

The role of the County CBL committee

• Monitor the implementation of CBL

• Receive weekly reports on CBL from the sub county

• Submit Weekly report to MOE

Sub County CBL committee

The county committee will consist of the following members

• Deputy County Commissioner

• Sub County Director of Education

• TSC Sub County Director

• Sub County Quality Assurance Officer

• Sub County Ministry of Health Officer

The Sub County Committee will be co-chaired by the Sub County Director of Education and TSC Sub-county.

The role of the Sub County CBL committee

• Establishment of the zone committees.

• Oversee mapping of teachers at the zone

• Oversee mapping of learners at the zone

• Oversee Identification of venues

• Assess the suitability of identified venues

• Monitor the implementation of CBL

• Receive weekly reports on CBL from the Zone

• Submit weekly reports to the County office

Zone CBL committee

The Zone committee will consist of the following members

• Curriculum support officer

• Area Chief

• Ministry of Health Officer

• Nyumba kumi initiative leaders

The Zonal committee will be coordinated by the Ministry of Education and chaired by the CSO.

The role of the Zone CBL committee

• Sensitize the parents and community on the CBL programme

• Orient teachers on the programme

• Identify the venues and assess their suitability for learning

• Map learners in the Nyumba Kumi area within the zone

• Allocate teachers to the learners in their respective Nyumba kumi area

• Supervise the implementation of CBL at the zone

• Submit weekly reports to the Sub County office

Mapping of Learners

The zonal implementation committee shall carry out the following:

  Sensitize the  parents within the Nyumba Kumi and the community

   Allocate learners to identified venues.

  Allocate teachers to venues.

  Orient the teachers.

  Supervise the implementation of CBL.

  1. The chiefs will assist in making sure that all the learners within their areas of jurisdiction participate in the program.

2. Where  there are  already  existing  on line  learning  programs the  CBL

committees should take note and monitor learner engagement.

The committee will maintain the following:

 An accurate record of all learners mapped

 Record of activities planned for and implemented.

 Records of teachers implementing the program.

Identification of Venues

• The zonal CBL committee will identify the venues on the following parameters:

  Identify venues and assess their suitability guided by the MOH protocols.

  All venues should be public and free of charge for use.

  Identification of venues should be in consultation with the relevant stake holders.

  All the venues should be child friendly in terms of location and use (schools, churches, social halls, open spaces etc)

  The venues should be within comfortable walking distance for the learners.

  The venues should be spacious enough to allow for social distancing (1.5m space between learners)

  The chief and local administrators should ensure security of learners to, within and from the venues.

  Unauthorised persons should be kept away from the venues.

Mapping of Teachers

All teachers employed by the Commission are directed to register with the Curriculum Support Officers and Sub County Directors within Zones and Sub-County where they are currently staying in by 12th August 2020 with a view to undertaking community based learning which has been identified as a means of engaging learners during the current period when schools are closed as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.

Teachers will play a pivotal role to ensure the success of the programme. In this respect, teachers will be expected to carry out the following activities:-

Activities teachers will carry out

• Heads of institutions should be in school at least once per week to supervise and monitor the programme.

• Utilize the Nyumba Kumi programme to ensure that all learners participate in the programme.

• Set up a face to face programme of engaging not more than 15-20 learners while strictly observing the Ministry of Health Guidelines and protocols. This engagement should be at least 4 Hours a day at no charge.

• Organize the learners as much as possible according to their classes and/or age groups to ensure that the themes under discussion are relevant, suitable and appropriate to the group.

• Sensitize and educate the learners on the guidelines and protocols issued by the Ministry of Health towards the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic.

•  Conduct remote daily or weekly follow up with learners and parents.

•  Utilize local resources during learners’ engagement.

•  Offer guidance and counselling and psycho-social support to learners.

•  Monitor the progress and the status of learners and provide information to Curriculum Support Officers.

•  Code of regulations for teachers and Code of conduct and Ethics for Teachers shall prevail.

Enhancing Engagement in Online Teaching

In order to enhance engagement on online teaching teachers should carry out the following activities:

i.    Make Learning as interactive as possible

ii.   Communicating the learning expectations to learners

iii.  Use peer-to-peer networks to your advantage

iv.  Emphasize self-guided learning (particularly with less experienced students)

i. Make Learning as interactive as possible

Emphasis should be placed on modern pedagogical practices, like group work, peer feedback and blended or ‘blended’ learning. These activities can be conducted online and may help to extend students’ attention spans.

ii. Communicating the learning expectations to learners

• There is need to have learners understand the learning expectations as there are many factors that can affect engagement in teaching from home situations (learners may be living with family members who impact engagement) to technology problems (learners may have older technologies or slower internet speeds) to different learning styles.

• Orientation and/or induction of CBL implementation committees will be carried out through a multi-agency approach (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, Ministry of Health and the Teachers Service Commission)

• Briefing will entail the content and activity areas as detailed below.

Community Based Learning suggested task based activities for engaging learners

• The suggested learning activities are not meant to cover the curriculum designs or syllabuses but to engage learners to gain good personal habits, competencies, skills and values. The activities have been outlined for the teachers but it is imperative that they be creative and include other activities that will be fun and enjoyable for the learners. The activities should be varied to reduce monotony and keep the learners interested.

Suggested learning activities

The suggested activities should:

  be non-contact

  allow for social distancing

  be interesting and engaging

  comprise short interval lessons

  require learners to do some practical work

  allow for creativity, improvisation and use of locally available materials

  allow learners to express themselves freely, for example develop showcase portfolios, display of talents, dramatize, draw, song and dance.

Primary School

The suggested learning activities will be based on the following themes:

1.  Life skills and values;

2.  Health and fitness;

3.  Learning area activities;

4.  Environment and sanitation.

Secondary School

The suggested learning activities will be based on the following themes:

1.  Citizenship

2.  Environment

3.  Creative arts

4.  Languages

5.  Games and Fitness

6.  Life skills

7.  Home science

8.  Mathematics and financial literacy

CitizenshipEnvironmentCreative ArtsLanguage
  • Values Formation  • Personal Hygiene  • Multi – media cards  • Language games
  • Social Responsibility• Hygiene and Conservation  • Draw and paint• Debates
  • Social• Careers in Science  pictures• Public speaking
  Entrepreneurship• (Non) Communicable Diseases  • Craft activities• Poetry
  • Religious Activities• Body Systems  • Music and dance• Oral Literature
  • Socio-cultural• Physical Exercise and Safety  • Drama• Reading
  Activities.• Home Remedies and Simple First Aid    
• Environmental Conservation    
• Business Resources     • Agribusiness
  • Videography and photography• Writing


• Geometry shapes

• Math Brain Teasers

• Trick Questions

• Riddles

• Ratios and Proportions

• The Number System

• Expressions and Equations

Financial Education

• Self-assessment

• Self -discovery

Suggested Reference/Teaching and Learning Materials

1.   Teachers should plan around learning activities that do not involve too much of text books. They therefore need to engage in hands – on experiences requiring the learners to perform certain tasks.

2.   Old newspapers and magazines can be used.

Take note that the materials should not be shared.

3.   Guide learners on responsible use of tablets and other electronic devices.

4.   Teachers can make prior arrangements to access books and other materials from the nearby schools provided there is a good issuance, maintenance and return procedures.

Supervision and Monitoring

Supervision of CBL

In order to ensure successful engagement of learners in the CBL programme, the Zonal committees shall;

• Ensure the CBL programme runs from Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 1.00pm

• Make visits to the CBL learning venues during the learning time to ensure its successful implementation areas of jurisdiction.

• Support the teachers and demonstrate the suggested learning activities

• Receive feedback reports from teachers on the implementation of the CBL

• Compile weekly reports

• Offer continuous support on any emerging issues and continuously liaise with Sub-County and County Committees.


Monitoring shall be conducted through multi-agency approach at all levels. This will be conducted regularly so as to offer support and provide timely solutions to any emerging issues that may hinder the implementation of the programme.

Monitoring Template

Administrative details

• Centre name:

• Zone:

• Sub County:

• County:

• Name of teacher:

• TSC no:

• No of learners mapped for the centre

• No of learners present

• The County CBL Committee shall prepare monthly reports which shall be forwarded through the Regional Directors to the Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education and The Secretary Teachers Service Commission not later than the fifth day of the subsequent month.

Report Format

Title: Monitoring report on community service learning for

…….region for the month of …

• Preamble (include number of monitored centers and counties)

• Attendance (leaners and teachers attendance trends)

• Successes

• Challenges

• Conclusion and Recommendations

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