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Shock of Kwale school with only two TSC teachers

A secondary school in Matuga Sub County of Kwale County is reeling under a myriad of challenges that includes lack of teachers.

Mbuguni School is the only Secondary school in Mbuguni location that has also only three Primary schools.

It is also among the few secondary schools in Kwale County that received overwhelming form one admissions but only after leaders intervened by buying basic needs to students.

“We are happy that the turn out for form one admission was high. Most students were at home due to small problems like lack of uniform and shoes but now there are very many students after we did shopping for them,” said Swaleh Simba the MCA Tsimba/Golini ward.

Mwakuza Mwayaya who is the Parents Teachers Association (PTA)Chairperson says the school do not have even water.

Most of the times students are forced to go down stream and in water pans looking for water that they use to drink and in the toilets.

“This is wasting most of their time which they could have used constructively for class work,” he said.

Abdallah Salim who is the area chief says the school started in 2014 through an initiative with parents by picking students who failed to secure places in other schools. In addition most of the secondary schools are far apart.

“We started with six children who added up to 15 and last year did our first exam. This year we received 74 students who joined form one,” he said.

Ali Mwakunena who is the head teacher said that the school has only two teachers from the government seconded by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and six teachers who are supposed to be paid by parents.

Most of those teachers however are those who have never joined any college.

But due to the fact that the government made secondary school tuition free, parents cannot be charged to pay the extra teachers.

“The school picks those who attain 200 marks and above and currently we have 138 students with form ones making half of this,” he said.

At Mbuguni Secondary there is also no any Science laboratory and all practical lessons are absconded.

And with lack of furniture and enough buildings the school is also pondering of how it will achieve one of its goals of having two streamed classes.

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